Friday, January 8, 2010

Did Edward Scissorhands Ever Feel Overwhelmed?

A flurry of patterns, pins, fabric, and measurements accompanied by the snipping and slashing of sharp shears has left me ready to start sewing dresses in the morning....and I feel panicked and sick to my stomach!

One dress needs to be form fitting. Boning in the second dress looks like it requires a licensed architect. Why do I do this to myself? It's a repeating pattern (and I don't mean one for a dress!). I have great ideas and good intentions, but when push comes to shove, I procrastinate, realize I don't have the talent or skills required, and then because I have left it to the last minute, I have to go through with it because there is no backup plan and giving up is not an option! Especially when two 17 year old girls are depending on me to wave my magic wand and create beautiful ball gowns out of a tangle of discount fabric and a 30+ year old sewing machine.

The real issue here (and with other projects) is not my lack of aptitude or ability to learn a task, but my lack of working in a timely manner! I feel so great when I finish something early...I am empowered, confident,'s such an visceral "high" that I don't know why I continue to procrastinate.

Too late to get an early start on this project, but as part of my "intentional" theme this year....I intend to get an early start on my next project. I could come up with all sorts of pithy sayings or motivational prompts, but really what good would they do? Just a lot of wasted time, especially if I never put them to use! I just have to make myself get an earlier start and avoid proscrastination...can that become a habit? I hope so.

Back to the formal gown project....I have to complete it now that I have set the ball in motion. How? Prioritize. Set goals for each of the next seven days. Start early each day so I have time if I run into a challenge and need help. Let wait things that can be dealt with after Formal. Keep a sense of humor and a positive attitude, especially with my "clients" and my husband. Cut corners in other areas of my life where I can. In that vein, I ordered dinner from CPK and sent my daughter's boyfriend to pick it up curbside. One point for the home team. :)

This home has been turned into Project Runway....but hopefully with less drama....and no "Auf Wiedersehen". But where is Tim Gunn when I need him? Guess I will have to "make it work" all on my own. 

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